加沙污水中检测到脊髓灰质炎病毒,对拥挤的流离失所者营地中的数千人构成威胁。 Poliovirus detected in Gaza sewage, posing risk to thousands in crowded displacement camps.
加沙污水样本中检测到了脊髓灰质炎病毒,这引发了人们对该地区病毒存在的担忧,并使居住在拥挤的流离失所者营地中的数千名居民面临感染这种传染性极强的疾病的风险。 Poliovirus has been detected in sewage samples from Gaza, raising concerns about the virus's presence in this area and putting thousands living in crowded displacement camps at risk of contracting this highly infectious disease. 加沙卫生部警告称,研究结果将使数千名居民面临感染脊髓灰质炎的风险,如果不采取行动,可能会引发新的健康灾难。 The Gaza ministry warns that the findings expose thousands of residents to the risk of contracting poliomyelitis, and a potential new health disaster if action isn't taken.