加沙10个月大的儿童被诊断为接种疫苗的脊髓灰质炎病毒,这是25年来第一个病例。 10-month-old child in Gaza diagnosed with vaccine-derived poliovirus, marking the first case in 25 years.
加沙10个月大的儿童被诊断为接种疫苗的脊髓灰质炎病毒,这是25年来第一个病例。 10-month-old child in Gaza diagnosed with vaccine-derived poliovirus, marking the first case in 25 years. 援助团体加紧接种疫苗,以避免小儿麻痹症爆发,因为废水中检测到病毒,并报告了三例疑似小儿麻痹症症状病例。 Aid groups ramp up vaccinations to avert polio outbreak, as virus detected in wastewater and three cases with suspected polio symptoms reported. 25年前在加沙消灭了小儿麻痹症,但10个月前战争爆发后,接种疫苗急剧减少,领土成为病毒的繁殖地。 Polio eradicated in Gaza 25 years ago, but vaccinations plunged after war began 10 months ago, with territory becoming breeding ground for virus. 在缺乏清洁饮水或适当污水处理的不卫生帐篷营地,数十万流离失所的巴勒斯坦人。 Hundreds of thousands of displaced Palestinians in unsanitary tent camps lacking clean water or proper sewage disposal. 援助团体呼吁停止以色列和哈马斯之间的战斗,以防止脊髓灰质炎爆发,因为已证实的病例和疑似病例有所增加,并在六个不同地点的废水中发现病毒。 Aid groups call for pause in fighting between Israel and Hamas to prevent polio outbreak, as confirmed cases and suspected ones rise, and virus detected in wastewater in six different locations. 世界卫生组织(卫生组织)和儿童基金会要求至少暂停七天进行大规模疫苗接种计划。 World Health Organization (WHO) and UNICEF request minimum seven-day pause for mass vaccination plan. 负责巴勒斯坦平民事务的以色列军事机构和哈马斯都表示支持停火,以便利接种疫苗。 Israeli military body responsible for Palestinian civilian affairs and Hamas both express support for truce to facilitate vaccinations.