一场猛烈的风暴袭击了白俄罗斯的布列斯特、戈梅利和莫吉廖夫地区,造成 6 人死亡,330 个城市/村庄出现供水/电力问题。 6 people died, and 330 cities/villages faced water/electricity issues in Belarus after a severe storm hit Brest, Gomel, and Mogilev regions.
周末一场猛烈的风暴袭击了布列斯特、戈梅利和莫吉廖夫地区,造成白俄罗斯 6 人死亡,城市出现供水和电力问题。 6 people died and cities faced water and electricity issues in Belarus after a severe weekend storm hit the Brest, Gomel, and Mogilev regions. 风暴损坏了 330 个城市和村庄,主要炼油城市马济里遭遇了最严重的停电。 The storm damaged 330 cities and villages, with Mazyr, a major oil refinery city, experiencing the worst power outages. 副总理阿纳托利·西瓦克称,由于异常强风摧毁了高压线路,这种情况是史无前例的。 Deputy Prime Minister Anatoly Sivak described the situation as unprecedented due to abnormally strong winds destroying high-voltage lines.