7 月 15 日,维珍移动阿联酋公司遭遇短暂的网络中断,影响了客户的通话、数据和应用程序使用。 On July 15, Virgin Mobile UAE faced temporary network disruptions, affecting customers' call, data, and app usage.
阿联酋的维珍移动客户面临网络中断,一些用户在周一早上(7 月 15 日)无法拨打或接听电话、访问数据或使用维珍移动应用程序。 Virgin Mobile customers in the UAE face network disruptions, with some users unable to make or receive calls, access data, or use the Virgin Mobile app on Monday morning (July 15). Virgin Mobile 证实了这一暂时性的网络问题,并向客户保证他们的技术团队正在努力解决问题。 Virgin Mobile confirmed the temporary network issue and assured customers that their technical team was working on a fix. 该公司对由此造成的不便表示歉意,并表示将很快恢复服务。 The company apologised for the inconvenience and stated the service should be restored soon.