36 名年龄在 8 至 24 岁之间的年轻人在由安大略省三叶草基金会资助的第二届年度青年创客博览会上展示了他们的作品。 36 youth aged 8 to 24 showcased their creations at the second annual Youth Makers Expo, funded by the Ontario Trillium Foundation.
36 名年龄在 8 至 24 岁之间的年轻人在第二届年度青年创客博览会上展示了他们的作品,该项目由安大略省三叶草基金会资助。 36 youth aged 8 to 24 showcased their creations at the second annual Youth Makers Expo, a project funded by the Ontario Trillium Foundation. 此次活动旨在为年轻企业家提供展示和交流的机会。 The event aims to provide young entrepreneurs with exposure and networking opportunities. 回归的供应商 Quartz Fowler 在去年的博览会上创立了自己的公司 QuartzMoonchild Creations,销售从车库销售和旧货店回收的再利用蜡烛。 Quartz Fowler, a returning vendor, started her business QuartzMoonchild Creations at last year's expo, where she sells repurposed candles from garage sales and thrift stores.