印度的VIBGYOR学校为公司工人主办了“回到童年”活动,以创造性活动为特色。 VIBGYOR Schools in India hosted "Back to Childhood" events for corporate workers, featuring creative activities.
印度的VIBGYOR学校团体为公司雇员组织了“回到童年”活动,以重新发现创造力和建立团队联系。 VIBGYOR Group of Schools in India organized "Back to Childhood" events for corporate employees to rediscover creativity and build team bonds. 数千人与家人一起参加了粘土建模和照相亭等活动。 Thousands participated in activities like clay modeling and photo booths with their families. 该倡议受到好评,激励ViBGYOR主办更多的活动,促进公司界的创造力和欢乐。 The initiative was well-received, inspiring VIBGYOR to host more events promoting creativity and joy in the corporate community.