新的“麦加空间”开放,为社区项目和创新提供工具和学习。 A new 'Makerspace' opens, offering tools and learning for community projects and innovation.
新的社区“Makerspace”已经开张, 为当地人提供学习各种技能、分享知识和在项目上合作的场所。 A new community 'Makerspace' has opened, offering locals a place to learn various skills, share knowledge, and collaborate on projects. 这一空间的目的是在所有年龄的社区成员中培养创造力和创新。 This space aims to foster creativity and innovation among community members of all ages. 它提供获得否则可能难以获得的工具和资源的机会,促进亲手学习和社区参与。 It provides access to tools and resources that might otherwise be difficult to obtain, promoting hands-on learning and community engagement.