威斯康星州州长托尼·埃弗斯宣布东北部四个县因洪水进入紧急状态。 Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers declares state of emergency for four northeastern counties due to flooding.
威斯康星州州长托尼·埃弗斯宣布卡卢梅特、奥塔加米、沃帕卡和温尼贝戈四个东北部县因最近强降雨造成洪水泛滥,进入紧急状态。 Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers declared a state of emergency for four northeastern counties, Calumet, Outagamie, Waupaca, and Winnebago, after recent flooding caused by heavy rainfall. 洪水迫使阿普尔顿和马纳瓦两市的居民撤离,并导致马纳瓦的一座水坝溃坝。 The flooding forced evacuations in the cities of Appleton and Manawa, and led to a breach in a dam in Manawa. 紧急状态旨在提供支持和资源,帮助社区恢复和重建。 The state of emergency aims to provide support and resources to help communities recover and rebuild.