47 岁的前辅导员 Luisa Melchionne 被捕,罪名是康涅狄格州诺沃克市内森黑尔中学对一名男学生进行性侵犯并造成未成年人受伤的风险。 47-year-old ex-guidance counselor Luisa Melchionne was arrested, charged with sexual assault and risk of injury to a minor involving a male student at Nathan Hale Middle School in Norwalk, CT.
47 岁的 Luisa Melchionne 曾是康涅狄格州诺沃克市内森黑尔中学的辅导员,她因涉嫌与一名男学生发生性关系而被捕,并被指控二级性侵犯和两项对未成年人造成伤害的风险。 47-year-old Luisa Melchionne, a former guidance counselor at Nathan Hale Middle School in Norwalk, CT, was arrested and charged with second-degree sexual assault and two counts of risk of injury to a minor for allegedly engaging in a sexual relationship with a male student. 诺沃克公立学校已证实她已不再受雇于该校,诺沃克警察局正在展开调查。 Norwalk Public Schools has confirmed she is no longer employed by them, and the Norwalk Police Department is investigating.