Norwalk学校雇员因据称推学生而被逮捕,面临多项指控。 Norwalk school employee arrested for allegedly pushing student, faces multiple charges.
Norwalk学校的一名雇员Michael Morris因据称12月在Nathan Hale中学推拉一名学生而被逮捕。 A Norwalk school employee, Michael Morris, was arrested for allegedly pushing a student at Nathan Hale Middle School in December. 侦探们审查了录像片段,并进行了访谈,结果被指控犯有三级攻击罪、未成年人受伤风险和行为不检。 Detectives reviewed video footage and conducted interviews, resulting in charges of third-degree assault, risk of injury to a minor, and disorderly conduct. Morris于2月7日自首, 持有75 000美元的保证金, 预定2月21日出庭。 Morris turned himself in on February 7 and is held on a $75,000 bond, with a court appearance scheduled for February 21.