Santa Monica教师Ingo Gaida因涉嫌与16岁学生关系不当而被捕。 Santa Monica teacher Ingo Gaida arrested for alleged inappropriate relationship with 16-year-old student.
Ingo Horst Gaida, 58岁,Santa Monica高中科学教师,据称自2024年底以来与一名16岁学生有不当关系,因此被捕。 Ingo Horst Gaida, a 58-year-old Santa Monica High School science teacher, was arrested for allegedly having an inappropriate relationship with a 16-year-old student since late 2024. Gaida面临对未成年人进行猥亵和导致未成年人犯罪的指控,两者均为轻罪。 Gaida faces charges of molesting a minor and contributing to the delinquency of a minor, both misdemeanors. 他被引证并释放,出庭候审。 He was cited and released, with a court appearance pending. Santa Monica警察局敦促任何知情或受害者与他们联系。 The Santa Monica Police Department urges anyone with information or who may be a victim to contact them.