印度在联合国大会敦促俄罗斯停止侵略乌克兰并撤出扎波罗热核电站的决议中投了弃权票。 India abstained from a UNGA resolution urging Russia to halt aggression in Ukraine and withdraw from Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant.
印度对联合国大会敦促俄罗斯停止侵略乌克兰并从扎波罗热核电站撤军的决议投了弃权票。 India abstained from a UN General Assembly resolution urging Russia to halt its aggression against Ukraine and withdraw military forces from the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant. 该决议由乌克兰提出,并得到法国、德国和美国等国家的支持,以99票赞成、9票反对、60票弃权的结果通过。 The resolution, with 99 votes in favor, 9 against, and 60 abstentions, was introduced by Ukraine and supported by countries like France, Germany, and the US. 它还呼吁国际原子能机构进入该工厂进行安全和安保评估。 It also called for the IAEA to access the plant for safety and security assessments.