苏格兰演出为家庭翻新活动提供免费门票,提供产品、咨询和研讨会。 Scottish show offers free tickets for home renovation event with products, consultations, and seminars.
5月11日和10月4日至5日在爱丁堡皇家高地中心举行的活动免费入场券。 The Scottish Homebuilding & Renovating Show offers free tickets for events on May 11 and Oct 4-5 at the Royal Highland Centre, Edinburgh. 参加者可以探索数千个家庭翻新产品、书籍专家咨询,并参加关于自建成本、设计和家庭能源效率等专题的研讨会。 Attendees can explore thousands of home renovation products, book expert consultations, and attend seminars on topics like self-build costs, design, and home energy efficiency. 16岁及以下的儿童可免费参加。 Children 16 and under can attend for free. 访问glasgow. homebuildingshow.co.uk,以了解更多信息并索取免费机票。 For more information and to claim free tickets, visit glasgow.homebuildingshow.co.uk.