昆士兰州自由国家党提议,如果当选,将对被判犯有严重罪行的 17 岁以上青少年实施成人拘留。 Queensland's LNP proposes adult detention for 17+ teens convicted of serious crimes if elected.
昆士兰州自由国家党宣布了一项青少年犯罪政策,如果该党赢得即将到来的选举,那么被判犯有谋杀、过失杀人和抢劫等严重罪行的 17 岁或以上青少年将被判处成人拘留。 Queensland's LNP party has announced a youth crime policy that would see teens aged 17 or older convicted of serious crimes, such as murder, manslaughter, and robbery, receive adult detention sentences if the party wins the upcoming election. 自由国家党领袖戴维·克里萨富利 (David Crisafulli) 周日在该党的州大会上公布了这项名为“成人犯罪,成人时间”的政策,规定年轻罪犯应对其罪行负责,并有可能受到与成年人相同的刑罚。 LNP Leader David Crisafulli revealed the policy, called "Adult Crime, Adult Time," at the party's state convention on Sunday, stating that young offenders should be held accountable for their crimes with the possibility of receiving the same sentences as adults.