新人民阵线(NPF)成为法国议会选举中最大的党团。 The New Popular Front (NPF) becomes the largest group in France's parliamentary elections.
新人民阵线(NPF)是由社会党、生态党、共产党和法国不屈组织(LFI)组成的联盟,它在法国议会选举中成为最大党派,令民意调查人员和政治分析人士感到震惊。 The New Popular Front (NPF), an alliance of Socialists, Ecologists, Communists, and France Unbowed (LFI), emerged as the largest group in France's parliamentary elections, shocking pollsters and political analysts. NPF 承诺扭转养老金和移民改革,建立无证移民救助机构,并限制基本商品价格,以解决生活成本危机。 The NPF promises to reverse pension and immigration reforms, establish a rescue agency for undocumented migrants, and cap basic goods to address the cost-of-living crisis. 尽管取得了胜利,但谁将成为该联盟的总理最佳候选人仍不确定。 Despite their victory, it remains uncertain who will be the alliance's top candidate for prime minister.