据报道,与丈夫帕迪麦吉尼斯分居的克里斯汀麦吉尼斯已准备好开始约会,同时共同抚养三个患有自闭症的孩子。 Christine McGuinness, separated from husband Paddy McGuinness, is reportedly ready to enter the dating scene while co-parenting their three autistic children.
据报道,前选美皇后克里斯汀·麦吉尼斯 (Christine McGuinness) 于 2022 年与丈夫帕迪·麦吉尼斯 (Paddy McGuinness) 分居,现已准备好开始约会。 Former beauty queen Christine McGuinness, who separated from husband Paddy McGuinness in 2022, is reportedly ready to enter the dating scene. 他们继续共同抚养三个患有自闭症的孩子,帕迪也表示,如果克里斯汀遇到新的朋友,她会支持她。 They continue to co-parent their three autistic children, and Paddy has expressed support for Christine should she meet someone new. 克里斯汀觉得,在关注了自己的健身和个人幸福之后,现在是重新开始约会的好时机。 Christine feels it's the right time to re-enter the dating scene after focusing on her fitness and personal well-being.