患有自闭症的前 Real Housewives 明星 Christine McGuinness 加入了“Celebrity Hunted”,为癌症研究筹集资金。 Former Real Housewives star Christine McGuinness, who has autism, joins "Celebrity Hunted" to raise funds for cancer research.
Christine McGuinness是一位前真正的家庭主妇明星, 有三个自闭症儿童的母亲, Christine McGuinness, a former Real Housewives star and mother of three autistic children, has opened up about her past isolation and her recent realization of missed experiences. 她和她前夫Paddy为了孩子仍住在一起。 She and her ex-husband Paddy still live together for their children’s sake. 麦金尼斯(McGuinness)最近发现她患有自闭症, 正在参与「名人追逐」活动, 为抗癌募集资金, McGuinness, who recently discovered she has autism, is participating in "Celebrity Hunted" to raise funds for Stand Up to Cancer and to show her kids they can still thrive despite their conditions.