由于 IT 系统和基本安全措施过时,英国 NHS 仍然容易受到网络攻击,导致 6,000 次预约中断。 UK's NHS remains vulnerable to cyber-attacks due to outdated IT systems and basic security practices, causing 6,000 appointment disruptions.
英国国家网络安全中心前负责人 Ciaran Martin 教授警告称,由于 IT 系统和基本安全措施过时,NHS 仍然容易受到网络攻击。 Prof Ciaran Martin, former head of the UK's National Cyber Security Centre, warns NHS remains vulnerable to cyber-attacks due to outdated IT systems and basic security practices. 伦敦发生严重勒索软件攻击,扰乱了医疗保健服务,导致 6,000 个预约和手术被推迟。 A significant ransomware attack in London disrupted healthcare services, postponing 6,000 appointments and procedures. 过去七年来,英国国民医疗服务体系 (NHS England) 已投资 3.38 亿英镑来增强网络安全能力。 NHS England has invested £338m over the past seven years to enhance cybersecurity resilience.