2024年,由于印尼盾贬值导致国家支出和燃料补贴增加,印尼的预算赤字可能达到GDP的2.7%。 2024 Indonesia's budget deficit may reach 2.7% of GDP due to increased state spending and fuel subsidies due to rupiah depreciation.
2024年,印尼的预算赤字可能达到GDP的2.7%,高于政府2.29%的目标。 Indonesia's budget deficit may reach 2.7% of GDP in 2024, higher than the government's 2.29% target. 财政部长将此归因于印尼盾贬值导致政府支出增加。 The finance minister attributes this to increased state spending due to the depreciation of the rupiah. 由于印尼盾贬值,政府的燃料补贴也相应增加。 The government's fuel subsidies have also risen due to the weaker rupiah. 尽管如此,政府仍将在债务管理方面保持警惕,并优化使用去年预算中的多余现金。 Despite this, the government will remain vigilant in debt management and optimize the use of excess cash from last year's budget.