拜登的医生在白宫诊所会见了帕金森病专家和心脏病专家。 Biden's physician met with Parkinson's expert and cardiologist at the White House residence clinic.
白宫访客记录显示,2022 年 1 月 17 日,拜登总统的医生凯文·奥康纳 (Kevin O'Connor) 与顶级帕金森病专家凯文·坎纳德 (Kevin Cannard) 博士在白宫住所诊所举行了会晤。 White House visitor logs have revealed a meeting between President Biden's physician, Dr. Kevin O'Connor, and top Parkinson's disease expert Dr. Kevin Cannard at the White House residence clinic on January 17, 2022. 这次会议是在人们对拜登总统的心理健康日益担忧的情况下举行的,尤其是在他与前总统特朗普的辩论表现之后。 The meeting occurred amidst growing concerns about President Biden's mental health, particularly following his debate performance with former President Trump. 沃尔特里德医院的心脏病专家约翰·E·阿特伍德博士也出席了会议。 Dr. John E. Atwood, a cardiologist from Walter Reed, was also present at the meeting.