WSJ报告说,白宫管理拜登的日程安排是为了掩盖可能的精神衰落;白宫否认索赔要求。 WSJ reports White House managing Biden's schedule to hide possible mental decline; White House denies claims.
《华尔街日报》报道,拜登行政当局一直在管理乔·拜登总统的日程安排和互动,以掩盖潜在的心理衰落。 The Wall Street Journal reports that the Biden administration has been managing President Joe Biden's schedule and interactions to hide potential mental decline. 自他上任初期以来,助理人员重新安排了会议时间,限制了他与关键官员的互动,并保护他不受公众的注意。 Since early in his term, aides have rescheduled meetings, limited his interactions with key officials, and shielded him from public view. 报告基于对近50个消息来源的访谈, 提出「保护文化」, 以适应拜登的「好与坏日」。 The report, based on interviews with nearly 50 sources, suggests a "protective culture" in place to accommodate Biden's "good and bad days." 白宫否认这些主张,声称拜登适合领导。 The White House has denied these claims, asserting that Biden is fit to lead.