尽管会见了一位顶级神经科医生,白宫新闻秘书仍否认拜登总统患有帕金森病。 White House Press Secretary denies President Biden has Parkinson's, despite meetings with a top neurologist.
尽管有报道称拜登总统会见了一位顶级神经科医生,但白宫新闻秘书卡琳娜·让·皮埃尔否认拜登总统正在接受帕金森病治疗。 White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre denies that President Biden is being treated for Parkinson's disease, despite reports of meetings with a top neurologist. 让-皮埃尔表示,这些会面是拜登过去三年综合检查的一部分,其中包括与神经科医生的会诊。 Jean-Pierre states the meetings were part of Biden's comprehensive exam over the past three years, which included a consultation with a neurologist. 她强调,白宫没有收到任何表明拜登患有帕金森病的报告。 She emphasized that the White House has not received any reports indicating Biden has Parkinson's disease.