联合国秘书长古特雷斯高度评价土库曼斯坦的中立政策,并赞扬该国主办联合国中亚地区预防外交中心。 UN Secretary-General Guterres praised Turkmenistan's neutrality policy and commended the nation for hosting the UN Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia.
联合国秘书长古特雷斯高度评价土库曼斯坦的中立政策,并赞扬该国在阿什哈巴德设立联合国中亚地区预防外交中心。 UN Secretary-General Guterres praised Turkmenistan's neutrality policy and commended the nation for hosting the UN Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia in Ashgabat. 在对中亚进行正式访问期间,古特雷斯对土库曼斯坦向无国籍人士提供公民身份表示感谢,并感谢别尔德穆哈梅多夫总统为联合国国家工作队提供新办公大楼。 During his official visit to Central Asia, Guterres expressed gratitude for the citizenship granted to stateless people by Turkmenistan and thanked President Berdimuhamedov for providing the UN Country Team with a new building. 古特雷斯强调土库曼斯坦在国际关系和与联合国的合作中发挥的重要作用,特别是在困难时期。 Guterres highlighted Turkmenistan's significant role in international relations and cooperation with the UN, especially during these troubled times.