稀有的地中海僧海豹,一种极度濒危的物种,25 年后在马耳他水域被发现。 Rare Mediterranean monk seal, a critically endangered species, spotted in Maltese waters after 25 years.
一只稀有的地中海僧海豹,一种极度濒危物种,在马耳他海域被发现,最后一次被记录是在 20 世纪 90 年代末。 A rare Mediterranean monk seal, a critically endangered species, was spotted in Maltese waters after last being recorded there in the late 1990s. 该物种受到国家和国际法的保护,估计数量不足 1,000 只,主要分布在希腊、塞浦路斯和土耳其的沿海地区。 The species, protected by national and international law, has an estimated population of less than 1,000, mainly found in Greek, Cypriot, and Turkish coastal areas. 环境与资源管理局鼓励公众举报任何目击情况。 The Environment and Resources Authority encourages the public to report any sightings.