生产 Buitoni 品牌比萨的雀巢法国分公司和雀巢法国公司因比萨中存在大肠杆菌污染而受到指控,该污染与两名儿童的死亡有关。 Nestlé's French unit producing Buitoni-branded pizzas and Nestlé France indicted for E. coli contamination in pizzas linked to two child deaths.
2022 年 5 月,法国调查法院对雀巢法国分公司 Buitoni 品牌披萨进行调查,雀巢法国公司因生产含有大肠杆菌的受污染披萨而被起诉。 Nestlé's French unit producing Buitoni-branded pizzas and Nestlé France are indicted for contaminated pizzas containing E. coli bacteria, following a probe by French investigative magistrates in May 2022. 该案件涉及两名儿童因食用受影响的披萨而死亡。 The case involves the deaths of two children from consuming the affected pizzas. 雀巢尚未透露有关指控的更多细节。 Nestlé has not disclosed further details on the charges.