Meta 的 AI 数据中心设计优化了 AI 功能,将能耗降低了 40%,并符合净零碳目标。 Meta's AI-powered data center design optimizes AI capabilities, reduces energy consumption by 40%, and aligns with net-zero carbon goals.
Meta 的人工智能数据中心设计具有安全的机架,可提高效率、可持续性和可扩展性,并符合其净零碳目标。 Meta's AI-powered data center design features secured racks, enhancing efficiency, sustainability, and scalability, and aligning with its net-zero carbon goal. 新架构优化了人工智能功能,通过先进的冷却和可再生能源将能源消耗降低 40%,并可扩展以满足不断增长的人工智能需求。 The new architecture optimizes AI capabilities, reduces energy consumption by 40% through advanced cooling and renewable sources, and scales for growing AI demands. 这项创新支持了 Meta 的人工智能驱动的产品开发和可持续发展承诺。 This innovation supports Meta's AI-driven product development and sustainability commitment.