大赦国际不断增长的能源需求涉及到专家,预计到2030年,数据中心将耗用美国电力的9.1%。 AI's rising energy demand concerns experts, with data centers projected to use up to 9.1% of US electricity by 2030.
据电力研究所称,AI对能源消耗的影响越来越大,这是一个紧迫的问题,预计到2030年,数据中心将耗用美国电力的9.1%。 AI's growing impact on energy consumption is a pressing concern, with data centers expected to consume up to 9.1% of US electricity by 2030, according to the Electric Power Research Institute. Cisco和NVIDIA等主要企业因其在AI增长中的战略定位而保持了“Buy”评级。 This surge in power demand is driven by rapid AI adoption, leading firms like Cisco and NVIDIA to maintain a "Buy" rating due to their strategic positioning in AI growth. 与此同时,IBM的首席执行官主张平衡监管以避免扼杀创新。 Meanwhile, IBM's CEO advocates for balanced regulation to avoid stifling innovation. 公司正在探索各种解决方案,如超级融合的基础设施、边际计算等,以使数据中心更具有可持续性。 Companies are exploring solutions like hyperconverged infrastructure and edge computing to make data centers more sustainable.