2022 年 8 月,两名妇女在乌利维克健康中心附近被车撞死,魁北克验尸官呼吁对因纽特中心的安全措施进行审查。 Quebec coroner calls for review of security measures at Inuit center after two women were killed by vehicles near Ullivik health center in August 2022.
2022 年 8 月,两名住在因纽特中心的妇女在 24 小时内在附近的高速公路上被车辆撞死,此后,魁北克验尸官呼吁对因纽特中心的安全措施进行审查。 Quebec coroner calls for review of security measures at Inuit center after two women staying there were killed by vehicles on nearby highways within a 24-hour period in August 2022. 验尸官埃里克·勒平在报告中提出了12项建议,敦促多瓦尔的乌利维克健康中心审查其安全措施,并为居民提供更好的保护。 Coroner Éric Lépine made 12 recommendations in his report, urging the Ullivik health center in Dorval to review its safety measures and implement better protection for residents. 两名女子都来自北部偏远社区,曾到蒙特利尔接受医疗护理,并在死亡时住在乌利维克 (Ullivik) 医疗中心。 The women, both from remote northern communities, had traveled to Montreal for medical care and were staying at the Ullivik health center at the time of their deaths.