塞浦路斯的拉纳卡和帕福斯机场创下了 2024 年上半年客运量的新纪录,6 月份的客运量与 2023 年相比增长了 5.04%。 Cyprus' Larnaca and Paphos airports set a new record in passenger traffic for the first half of 2024, with a 5.04% increase in June compared to 2023.
塞浦路斯的拉纳卡和帕福斯机场创下了 2024 年上半年客运量的新纪录,6 月份客运量与 2023 年相比增长了 5.04%,服务了约 350 万名乘客。 Cyprus' Larnaca and Paphos airports set a new record in passenger traffic for the first half of 2024, with a 5.04% increase in June compared to 2023, serving around 3.5 million passengers. 交通运输、通信和工程部报告称,该期间航班数量增加了 4.2%,总计 9,347 架次。 The Ministry of Transport, Communications, and Works reported a 4.2% increase in flights, totaling 9,347 for the period. 两个机场都经历了显着的增长,拉纳卡机场增长了 6%,帕福斯机场增长了 2.99%。 Both airports experienced significant growth, with Larnaca up 6% and Paphos up 2.99%.