在与本·阿弗莱克分手的传闻传出后,詹妮弗·洛佩兹在洛杉矶身着权力装。 Jennifer Lopez wore power-dressing attire amid Ben Affleck split rumors in LA.
在本阿弗莱克分手传闻之中,詹妮弗·洛佩兹的权力着装达到了新的高度,她穿着高腰裤、清爽的白衬衫和芭蕾平底鞋现身洛杉矶。 Jennifer Lopez took power dressing to new heights amid Ben Affleck split rumors, stepping out in LA in high-waisted pants, a crisp white shirt, and ballet flats. 这位 54 岁的歌手戴着时尚的太阳镜,拿着名牌包,看起来就像是拿着 iPad 去参加会议一样。 The singer, 54, accessorized her business look with statement sunglasses and a designer purse, appearing ready for meetings as she carried her iPad. 最近有传言称洛佩兹与丈夫本阿弗莱克分手,洛佩兹一直很忙。 Lopez has been keeping busy amid recent split rumors with her husband, Ben Affleck.