Jennifer Lopez反思她成功的2024年, 突出她Met Gala的出场和电影首映。 Jennifer Lopez reflects on her successful 2024, highlighting her Met Gala appearance and film premieres.
Jennifer Lopez在Instagram上分享了一段关于她成功的2024年的视频, Jennifer Lopez shared a video on Instagram reflecting on her successful 2024, featuring appearances at the Met Gala, and premieres of her films "Altas" and "This Is Me...Now." 尽管Lopez与Ben Affleck离婚, Lopez的视频聚焦于她的成就和对未来的乐观。 Despite her divorce from Ben Affleck, Lopez's video focused on her achievements and optimism for the future. 她还用衷心的讯息庆祝她父亲的生日,强调她的家人的支持。 She also celebrated her father's birthday with a heartfelt message, emphasizing her family's support.