Jennifer Lopez在没有结婚戒指的情况下在汉普顿庆祝她55岁生日,Ben Affleck缺席。 Jennifer Lopez celebrated her 55th birthday in the Hamptons without her wedding ring, and Ben Affleck was absent.
Jennifer Lopez在没有结婚戒指的情况下在汉普顿庆祝她55岁生日,而丈夫Ben Affleck缺席。 Jennifer Lopez celebrated her 55th birthday in the Hamptons without her wedding ring, while husband Ben Affleck was absent. 双方都被看见没有结婚戒指 引起关于他们关系状况的谣言 Both have been seen without their wedding rings, sparking rumors about their relationship's state. 他们在不同的海岸度过了两周年,但洛佩兹与阿弗莱克的女儿维奥莱特的联系仍然牢固。 They spent their second anniversary on separate coasts, but Lopez's bond with Affleck's daughter Violet remains strong.