在新南威尔士州布隆加,两名被缠在通电电线中的热气球乘客获救;无人受伤。 2 passengers rescued from hot air balloon entangled in active power lines in Buronga, NSW; no injuries.
在新南威尔士州南部与维多利亚州边界附近的布隆加,两名乘客从一个被带电电线缠住的热气球中获救。 Two passengers were rescued from a hot air balloon entangled in active power lines in Buronga, southern NSW, near the border with Victoria. 包括新南威尔士州消防救援局、新南威尔士州乡村消防局和基本能源公司在内的紧急救援部门齐心协力隔离电线,并在 30 分钟内将乘客从气球上安全转移到地面。 Emergency services, including NSW Fire and Rescue, NSW Rural Fire Service, and Essential Energy, worked together to isolate the power lines and safely move the passengers from the balloon to the ground within 30 minutes. 未有人员受伤报告。 No injuries were reported.