犹他州萨利纳的 7 名后期圣徒徒步旅行者在塞维尔县的徒步旅行地点附近遭闪电击中后被送往医院。 7 Latter-day Saints hikers in Salina, Utah were hospitalized after lightning struck near their hiking location in Sevier County.
犹他州萨利纳市后期圣徒教会的 7 名青年徒步旅行者在塞维尔县的徒步旅行地点附近遭雷击后被送往医院。 7 youth hikers from a Latter-day Saints group in Salina, Utah were hospitalized after lightning struck near their hiking location in Sevier County. 在约 50 名徒步者中,有 7 人因触电而出现医疗问题;其中两名症状严重的人被送往利哈伊的儿童初级医院,另外五人被送往里奇菲尔德的塞维尔谷医院和甘尼森的甘尼森谷医院。 Out of the approximately 50 hikers, seven experienced medical concerns due to electrocution; two with serious symptoms were transported to Primary Children's Hospital in Lehi, while five others were taken to Sevier Valley Hospital in Richfield and Gunnison Valley Hospital in Gunnison. 受伤者均没有生命危险,其余徒步旅行者都已回到家人身边。 None of the injuries were life-threatening, and the remaining hikers were returned to their families.