美国最高法院裁定城市可以强制禁止无家可归者户外睡觉。 The US Supreme Court ruled that cities can enforce outdoor sleeping bans for homeless people.
美国最高法院裁定,即使在庇护所空间不足的西海岸地区,城市也可以强制禁止无家可归者在户外露宿。 The US Supreme Court has ruled that cities can enforce bans on homeless people sleeping outdoors, even in West Coast areas where shelter space is lacking. 该法院以 6 比 3 的投票结果推翻了旧金山上诉法院的一项裁决,该法院裁定禁止户外睡觉属于残忍和不寻常的惩罚。 The 6-3 decision overturned a ruling by a San Francisco-based appeals court that found outdoor sleeping bans amounted to cruel and unusual punishment. 该裁决对美国无家可归问题具有重要意义,去年美国无家可归人口增长了 12%,达到报告的最高水平。 This represents a significant ruling on the homelessness issue in the US, where the homeless population grew by 12% last year to its highest reported level.