选举日,投票站从早上 6 点开放至晚上 11 点,由经过培训的工作人员负责指导选民。 On Election Day, polling stations open from 6am to 11pm, staffed by trained workers who guide voters.
选举日当天,投票站从早上 6 点开放至晚上 11 点,由经过培训的工作人员负责发放选票、核对选民登记册并指导选民。 Election Day involves polling stations opening from 6am to 11pm, staffed by trained workers who issue ballot papers, check the electoral register, and guide voters. 投票站位于全国各地的公共建筑内,选民必须前往其登记地址附近的指定地点。 Polling stations are located in public buildings across the country and voters must go to their assigned location near their registered address. 工人必须年满 18 岁、拥有英国工作权利、英语流利、并且未曾为当前选举的候选人工作过。 Workers must be 18+, have UK work rights, speak English well, and not have worked for a candidate in the current election. 他们因其服务而得到报酬。 They are paid for their services.