得克萨斯州授权雇主在选举日为投票提供两小时带薪休息时间。 Texas mandates employers provide two hours of paid time off for voting on Election Day.
得克萨斯州法律要求雇主为雇员在选举日投票提供带薪休假时间,特别是如果雇员在轮班之外没有足够的时间,则提供两小时的带薪休假。 Texas law requires employers to provide paid time off for employees to vote on Election Day, specifically two hours if they lack sufficient time outside their shifts. 发生冲突时,雇员应与雇主协商。 If conflicts arise, employees should consult their employers. 不遵守规定可能导致对雇主的轻罪指控,如果拖欠投票假工资,雇员可以提出工资索赔。 Noncompliance may lead to misdemeanor charges against employers, and employees can file wage claims if owed pay for voting leave. 此外,28个州和特区也有类似的法律,而具体国家条例的资源则可供使用。 Additionally, 28 states and D.C. have similar laws, while resources for specific state regulations are available.