6 月 27 日,48 岁的 SMRT 巴士司机因在新加坡安顺路撞到一名建筑工人而被停职。 48-year-old SMRT bus driver suspended for hitting a construction worker on Anson Road, Singapore, on June 27.
6 月 27 日,48 岁的 SMRT 巴士司机在新加坡安顺路撞倒了一名 33 岁的建筑工人,随后被停职。 48-year-old SMRT bus driver suspended after hitting a 33-year-old construction worker on Anson Road in Singapore on June 27. 当这名工人正在最左边的车道上放置交通锥时,公交车突然拐进该车道并撞到了他。 The worker was placing a traffic cone in the leftmost lane when the bus turned into the lane and hit him. 该工人被送往医院,目前意识清醒,公交车司机正在配合警方调查。 The worker was taken to the hospital consciously, and the bus driver is cooperating with police investigations. SMRT 还暂停了巴士司机的职务并协助有关部门处理。 SMRT has also suspended the bus driver and is assisting authorities.