校车司机无视Mpumalanga事故中6名学生死亡的平面路标。 School bus driver disregarded level crossing signage in Mpumalanga accident that killed six students.
铁路安全监管局的初步调查结果表明,在Mpumalanga事故中,6名学生丧生的校车驾驶员没有在过境点沿路标行驶。 Preliminary findings from the Railway Safety Regulator indicate the school bus driver in a Mpumalanga accident that killed six students did not follow road signage at the level crossing. 保护标志符合安全标准,但计划由铁路运营商和道路安全当局进一步调查,以改进安全措施。 The protection signage met safety standards, but further investigations by rail operators and road safety authorities are planned to improve safety measures. 公共汽车司机尚未被捕,警察仍在收集证人的证词。 The bus driver has not been arrested, with police still gathering statements from witnesses.