一名行人在圣地亚哥大学城被一辆MTS巴士撞伤后受重伤。 A pedestrian was seriously injured after being hit by an MTS bus in University City, San Diego.
一名22岁的行人在圣地亚哥大学城一个有标记的十字路口被一辆MTS公共汽车击中后受重伤。 A 22-year-old pedestrian was seriously injured after being hit by an MTS bus in a marked crosswalk in University City, San Diego. 事件发生时,51岁的公共汽车司机在绿灯下左转。 The incident occurred when the 51-year-old bus driver made a left turn on a green light. 行人遭到轨道骨折、脊椎骨折和肺部挫伤。 The pedestrian suffered an orbital fracture, a spinal fracture, and a lung contusion. 酒精不是一个因素,圣地亚哥警察局交通处正在调查。 Alcohol was not a factor, and the San Diego Police Department's Traffic Division is investigating.