曾效力于多伦多枫叶队等多支球队的前 NHL 球员谢尔盖·贝雷津 (Sergei Berezin) 于 52 岁时去世,原因不明。 52-year-old former NHL player Sergei Berezin, who played for multiple teams including Toronto Maple Leafs, has passed away; cause unknown.
52 岁的前 NHL 球员谢尔盖·贝雷津 (Sergei Berezin) 去世,他曾在多伦多枫叶队效力五个赛季,后来效力于菲尼克斯郊狼队、蒙特利尔加拿大人队、芝加哥黑鹰队和华盛顿首都队。 52-year-old former NHL player Sergei Berezin, who played five seasons with the Toronto Maple Leafs and later for the Phoenix Coyotes, Montreal Canadiens, Chicago Blackhawks, and Washington Capitals, has passed away. 别列津在 1998-99 赛季攻入 37 球,获得 59 分,其死因并未公开。 Known for his 1998-99 season with 37 goals and 59 points, the cause of Berezin's death was not disclosed. NHL 校友会和多伦多枫叶队对他的逝世表示悲痛。 The NHL Alumni Association and Toronto Maple Leafs expressed sadness over his passing.