前NHL球员和教练Al MacNeil, 曲棍球史上的关键人物, 已于89岁去世。 Former NHL player and coach Al MacNeil, key figure in hockey history, has died at 89.
Al MacNeil, 一个89岁的前NHL球员 和斯坦利杯得主教练, 去世了。 Al MacNeil, an 89-year-old former NHL player and Stanley Cup-winning coach, passed away. 从1955年到1968年,他为五个NHL队打过球 并训练了蒙特利尔卡纳迪安队 在1971年赢得斯坦利杯冠军 He played for five NHL teams from 1955 to 1968 and coached the Montreal Canadiens to a Stanley Cup win in 1971. MacNeil是亚特兰大火焰的最后一位导师,也是卡尔加里火焰的第一导师,作为助理总经理,为1989年斯坦利杯胜利做出了贡献。 MacNeil was the last coach of the Atlanta Flames and the first coach of the Calgary Flames, contributing to their 1989 Stanley Cup victory as an assistant general manager. NHL专员Gary Bettman赞扬他对冰球的影响。 NHL commissioner Gary Bettman praised his impact on hockey.