美国最高法院驳回共和党主导的各州对拜登政府社交媒体内容审核的质疑。 US Supreme Court rejects Republican-led states' challenge to Biden admin's social media content moderation.
美国最高法院以 6 比 3 的投票结果,驳回了共和党主导的各州对拜登政府就内容审核与社交媒体公司进行接触提出的质疑。 The US Supreme Court has voted 6-3 to reject a challenge by Republican-led states to the Biden administration's contact with social media companies over content moderation. 起诉书声称政府违反宪法压制保守派观点,但法院裁定原告无权提起诉讼。 The challenge claimed that the government had unconstitutionally suppressed conservative viewpoints, but the court ruled that the plaintiffs lacked the legal right to sue.