美国最高法院拒绝限制拜登政府与社交媒体的交流,驳回了对违反第一修正案的质疑。 US Supreme Court declines to limit Biden admin-social media communication, rejects challenge on First Amendment violation.
美国最高法院拒绝限制拜登政府与社交媒体公司之间的沟通,驳回了密苏里州、路易斯安那州和五名个人的诉求。 The US Supreme Court has declined to limit communication between the Biden administration and social media companies, rejecting a challenge from Missouri, Louisiana, and five individuals. 挑战声称,政府鼓励社交媒体公司删除包含有关选举和新冠疫情错误信息的帖子,违反了美国宪法第一修正案。 The challenge claimed that the administration's encouragement of social media companies to remove posts containing misinformation about elections and COVID violated the First Amendment of the US Constitution.