荷兰首相马克·吕特被选为下一任北约秘书长,接替延斯·斯托尔滕贝格。 Dutch PM Mark Rutte chosen as next NATO Secretary General, succeeding Jens Stoltenberg.
荷兰首相马克·吕特被选为下一任北约秘书长,接替将于十月任期届满的延斯·斯托尔滕贝格。 Dutch PM Mark Rutte has been chosen as the next NATO Secretary General, taking over from Jens Stoltenberg after his term ends in October. 吕特自 2010 年起担任荷兰首相,其建立共识的能力广受好评,这一能力对他在新角色中面对诸多挑战至关重要,包括与俄罗斯和美国的关系,以及乌克兰的持续局势。 Rutte, who has been Prime Minister of the Netherlands since 2010, is well-regarded for his consensus-building skills, which will be important in his new role as he faces numerous challenges, including relations with Russia and the US, as well as the ongoing situation in Ukraine.