两名父母因谋杀和虐待其三个月大的儿子Greyson而被起诉。 Two parents indicted for murder and abuse in the death of their three-month-old son, Greyson.
两名20岁少年Amancio Torres-Trevino Jr.和Kaela Breainn Walker因3个月大的儿子Greyson Torres死亡被指控犯有谋杀罪和一级刑事虐待罪。 Two 20-year-olds, Amancio Torres-Trevino Jr. and Kaela Breann Walker, have been indicted for murder and first-degree criminal abuse in connection with the death of their three-month-old son, Greyson Torres. 在将Greyson带入医院受伤后,最初被指控犯有刑事虐待罪,在婴儿因这些伤死亡后,对指控进行了升级。 Initially charged with criminal abuse after bringing Greyson to the hospital with injuries, the charges were upgraded after the infant died from those injuries. 法庭记录显示,Greyson一生大部分时间都一再被小Torres-Trevino虐待。 Court records suggest Greyson was repeatedly abused by Torres-Trevino Jr. for most of his life.