6 月 24 日,一场疑似因雷击而起的火灾损坏了杰斐逊具有历史意义的圣约翰浸信会天主教堂的尖塔。 On June 24, a lightning-suspected fire damaged the steeple of historically significant St. John the Baptist Catholic Church in Jefferson.
6 月 24 日,一场火灾烧毁了杰斐逊市圣约翰浸信会天主教堂的尖塔,疑似由雷击引起。 A fire, suspected to be caused by a lightning strike, burned the steeple of the St. John the Baptist Catholic Church in Jefferson on June 24. 多个工作人员对火灾做出了响应,从各个角度都能看到火势。 Multiple crews responded to the fire, which was visible from various angles. 教堂的消防队长认为雷击是火灾原因,而这座教堂对于当地居民玛丽沃利特来说具有历史和社区意义。 The church's fire chief believes the lightning strike was the cause, and the church holds historical and community significance for local resident Mary Wollet.