北图尔萨的哈利路亚教堂受到火灾破坏;据报没有因事故受伤受到调查。 Fire damages Hallelujah Church in North Tulsa; no injuries reported as cause investigated.
新年节在北塔尔萨的哈利路亚教堂地下室发生火灾。 A fire broke out in the basement of Hallelujah Church in North Tulsa on New Year's Day. 塔尔萨消防部门通过多个工作人员应对并控制火灾,没有任何伤亡,尽管建筑物遭受了重大损失. The Tulsa Fire Department responded with multiple crews and contained the fire without any injuries, though the building suffered significant damage. 火灾的起因仍在调查之中。 The cause of the fire is still under investigation.