汇丰银行英国调查发现,度假者在一周的假期中会额外花费 250 英镑用于“额外消费”。 HSBC UK survey finds holidaymakers spend an extra £250 on "extras" during a week-long vacation.
汇丰银行英国分行的最新调查显示,度假者在一周的假期中,相比在家中通常的开支,会在“额外”花费上多花 250 英镑。 A new HSBC UK survey reveals that holidaymakers spend an additional £250 on "extras" during a week-long vacation compared to their usual expenses at home. 外出就餐、参加现场活动、购买衣服和交通是常见的超支领域。 Dining out, attending live events, buying clothes, and transportation are common areas of overspending. 行为心理学家乔·海明斯将此归因于多种因素,例如脱离日常生活、将假期与特殊场合和逃避现实联系起来,以及度假时感觉不那么压抑。 Behavioral psychologist Jo Hemmings attributes this to factors such as being out of the daily routine, associating holidays with special occasions and escapism, and feeling less inhibited while on vacation.