菲律宾参议员莱拉·德利马在前总统杜特尔特任期内被拘留后,被洗清了所有与毒品有关的指控。 Philippine Senator Leila de Lima cleared of all drug-related charges after detention during ex-President Duterte's term.
菲律宾前参议员莱拉·德利马的最后一项毒品相关指控被蒙廷卢帕地区审判法院宣告无罪,这标志着前总统罗德里戈·杜特尔特任期内对她提出的所有毒品指控都宣告结束。 Former Philippine Senator Leila de Lima was cleared of her final drug-related charge by the Muntinlupa Regional Trial Court, marking the end of all drug charges filed against her during ex-President Rodrigo Duterte's term. 德利马曾被拘留近七年,最终被判无罪,涉及所有毒品的指控以及因在 2016 年国会调查期间涉嫌无视传票而产生的抗命指控。 De Lima, who spent nearly seven years in detention, was acquitted of all drug-related cases and disobedience charges stemming from her alleged disregard for a subpoena during a 2016 Congress inquiry.